:O thats evil!
Believe you can or believe you can't; either way, you're right.
Age 32, Male
Like I'm telling you
Orlando, FL
Joined on 4/29/07
:O thats evil!
Yeah, I need help to get him banned.
oh yea i just watched both movies yea he stole ur movie i already helped blam him and i also posted sumthing
Yeah, thanks a lot.
Have you though of pm walde fulp
I PM'd Tomfulp. Not Wald fulp. Should I PM him too?
I hope that idiot dies in a fire, your movies are great!
Deserves to burn in hell, that he does.
I really don't think deleting them is going to help your sorry ass one bit, just consider yourself banned already. Better yet, leave and never come back NOW, instead of making us wait.
I don't know about the burning in hell part, but leaving would make the wait much easier.
HELL NO!!! Burning in hell is too good for him! Keep him the hell out of here. (Sorry for the bad pun...)
Now that's funny.
howd he steal it?
All you have to do is find the link to my movie, download it, and then upload it. It's not hard.